It's FREE!!
We will send you FREE daily reminders, and help you succeed with Starfish.
1.. Join our team's 3-day Starfish Challenge! (click link above)
2.. Commit yourself to the 10-minute daily sequence below.
3.. Set a goal of texting/calling 2 people daily (as a minimum) for 3 days, more if you wish.
4.. Text us back your 3 "List-Call-Plan" numbers daily after you finish ... see below.
5.. Do 1 or 2 of these 3-day challenges per week (Mon-Wed, Thu-Sat, or both).
7.. Get all of your new people to Join the DASH. Your team will explode!!
DO THESE STEPS (for 3 days)
1.. LIST. Add a minimum of 2 people daily for 3 days to your Starfish Prospects list, more if you wish (if your goal is more than 2 people, but don't go overboard, if you plan on calling 5+ a day and it's too much, scale it back for your next DASH. Two (2) will normally do the trick, and over time that will produce massive results!
2.. CONTACT. Contact your the people you just added to your List with the "text-to-call" method, where you text first (short, such as "Hey, you a minute to connect today?" nothing specific), then if they respond, call them on the phone.
3.. INVITE. During your phone call, briefly invite them to a Starfish plan at a specific time (either a Zoom meeting or a live meeting, such as Home Meeting or a Tuesday Night Open, or a Monthly Seminar). Keep your "phone invitation" super short. Use the short script below, or one like it.
3.. PLANS. Show the Starfish plan to those who agree to come, or be on the Zoom or at the meeting if someone else is presenting. This is what we want! This is the goal! People who actually hear the entire Starfish plan so they can make an informed decision.
4.. REPORT. Report back to us what your 3 numbers are for the day ... 1) your LIST number (how many people you added to your List), 2) your CONTACT number (how people you contacted by text message and/or phone call, and 3) your PLANS number (how many people actually showed up for a plan that day, which might be people you talked to yesterday or earlier). 2-2-1 would mean that you put 2 people on your List, contacted 2 people, and 1 person showed up to hear the Plan that day. Your numbers could be 2-2-0, 5-3-2, or whatever. Just report them daily by a simple text message, and also feel free to tell us how things are going!
Hey XXX (insert their name), this is XXX (your name). How are you today? It's been a while!
Note: That's it! If you normally connect with this person in another way, do that. Keep it short, keep it real, keep it "normal." Don't mention Starfish yet. Just connect .. "Good morning!" "How are you?" "How's the family?" That type of thing.
When (if) they Respond
I'm glad you're doing well! Are you free right now for a quick phone call? I have something to ask you.
Note: After they agree to a phone call, call them immediately, or at the agreed-upon time. Then follow the phone script below, or one that is similar.
Phone Script
Hey, there! It's so nice to hear your voice! (wait for response, then ...) Before I ask you what I called about, what's new with you? (use this if you haven't spoken for a while, then ...) So I wondered if you have a few minutes on Monday at 7 pm (or whatever specific day/time) for a quick Zoom meeting, like 30 minutes? Are you free at that time?
If "yes," then ...
Great! I'll send you the link. I'm so excited about something and I want to show it to you. Have you ever heard of Starfish? (no) Okay, you're going to love this! It's a way to save lots of money and make money too. I think you'll love it! I'll send you a link and see you Monday night.
Note: If they want to know more about Starfish, just say ... "It's a way to make everything you're currently buying CHEAPER, including gas, groceries, and just about everything else. Plus it's a great way of making money also. We'll learn the details on Monday night." (Don't tell them much more than this. Tell them you really can't describe it over the phone.)
Note: You can also invite them to a "live meeting" such as a home event or Tuesday night "Open" or monthly "seminar." In our team, however, we normally recommend that your very first meeting be a Zoom event so that you can invite people who are local or not local. And it's easier for people to commit to a 30-minute meeting where they don't have to drive. It's an easier commitment for them, and easier for you.
THESE are just suggestions, but KEEP IT SIMPLE!
The DASH will put our team on the Map! It will explode your own personal team growth and profits! It will change your whole life, one 3-day challenge after another.
What's not to like about that?!!
Isn't 10 minutes a day a fair trade for massive success in your life?
DASH 180
After you experience "the Dash," you can move on top Dash Plus or Dash 180. You'll learn more during our weekly team meetings, but Dash Plus is where you start working on Club 180 goals (listening to daily audios, reading books, showing plans, and Dash 180 is where you get 180 points or "degrees" every month by listening to enough audios (at 1 point each), and read enough books (at 15 points per book), or show enough plans (inviting people to plans shown by others counts) to equal, in total, 180 points for the month, or 45 points a week.
Sundays at 5:30p PT / 6:30p MT / 7:30p CT / 8:30p ET
Every Sunday at 7:30 pm Central, we have a team meeting to "plan the next week's success" on We call this our Weekly Team Meeting. Come and join us! Planning to succeed is your first step toward success!
Click the link above to see ALL of our Starfish Team calendar events!
EXPLODE your Starfish business & profits by tying into the community!
You will hear Top Speakers & amazing content!
Believe me. This is the fastest path to success with Starfish!
To really go fast, add another $100 to your Starfish sign-up, or soon thereafter, which will pay for SOT - Standing Order Ticket and MS - Marketing System (basic) for more training. Invest in these additional tools and you'll skyrocket your success! Your $100 can become several hundred dollars in additional profit.
How To Sign Up
Just tell your enroller or team leader that you want "go fast" and wish to sign up for SOT and Marketing System. They will get you started right away.
How This Helps
This obviously will help you to go fast (since you'll get trained faster), but the team will benefit by reaching "team goals" for a play we run called XP - 6344. You'll learn about this during Starfish meetings, but it is truly revolutionary. Step up, be the leader you know you are, and when you Go Fast, others will follow and your team growth will explode!
To "dash" means to go quickly. To run. To make rapid progress.
But the best way to actually do that is to start slowly, with small steps.
If you do our 3-day DASHes, one after another, and then teach The Dash to your new people, you can add 15-20 team members to your team in 30 days!
Click the RED button above or below to join the DASH.